Ordering a custom video, which is a one of a kind, where the buyer wants to see their favorite acts committed not only with longevity (running time) but also to his or her exact liking. These type of customs range in scope from 25 - 120 minutes. Videos are delivered electronically via download or, if desired, shipped on a USB flash drive. Like anything in life, the more involved and complex the movie is the higher the cost; the simpler the movie, the cheaper the cost. Some of the factors involved in price is: requested model’s rate, one male talent/ two male talents, specifications in location, special effects, special costumes/props etc.
This custom video is in collaboration with other random 2 customers where all three customers collaborate/talk via our PTF forum messaging system on combing common script. Each party pays $500 and agree on any changes in combine script. We will also collaborate in this messaging system till a finale script.
This custom video is limited to the following:
• Only use models on schedule for the month.
• One location set (scenery arranged for shooting a film)
• Running time 20 to 30 minutes.
• Wardrobe is limited to what the model can provide. We will discuss your script with them.
• Restrictions on special effects.
You may add more to this option at additional costs. For example, props, special wardrobe, etc.
The easiest way to determine the cost is to get an estimate from us by emailing your story to info@psycho-thrillers.com and type CUSTOM SUBMISSION in the subject header. We will review it and get back to you and we can work out a price based on our negotiation with the talent and their agents.
This low cost custom video is combing five customers to collaborate on common/same script. Same rules apply as $500 plus two custom video
The turn around time for customers to receive their video depends on order of customers that have booked/paid for the custom videos. (So if you paid for your video and your the 3rd customer in line, your video will be edit as 3rd)
Typical time is 2 weeks after day of the shoot. However, if there is 5 custom orders ahead of you, then it will take longer if your the first in line, it will be a fairly quick turn around time.
Psycho-thrillers only accept CASHIERS CHECK , MONEY ORDER, ZELLE, BANK TRANSFER or for overseas customers WESTERN UNION as a type of payments.
Cashiers check or money order made it to:
711 Center Dr 105-409
San Marcos, CA 92069
Western Union-email for details info@psycho-thrillers.com