Tired Of It: Lawyer Part 2

Tired Of It: Lawyer Part 2

Give Her What She Wants

Give Her What She Wants

Evening Fun

Starring: Jennifer White, Brad Knight, Reno Time: 26:11 Minutes Size: 1.77 GB Rated XXX A gorgeous woman gets drunk, is further drugged unconscious, and is taken sexually and murdered by two men in a classic “mattress” scenario 1 Girl, 2 Guys Woman is drinking alone at a bar She has on a little black dress and spike heels She is hammered, and staggers out into the street for her ride Man drives up in hot red sports car Before she gets in, the man spikes a water bottle with a drug She drinks from it, and as they travel, she passes out They arrive at a lonely house, where a second man is waiting Both men carry her inside The house is empty, with only a bare mattress on the floor She is dumped on the mattress, unconscious Sprawling face up, her dress is hiked up to display her pussy She is flipped over, and the first man fucks her from behind He cums, and the second man takes his place He fucks her exactly the same way Rolling her over he boosts her on top of him Her dress slips, baring one breast He fucks her limp body from underneath her Slipping out of her wet pussy, he starts to get dressed She is again sprawled face up The drug has started to wear off She begins to wake up As she comes fully conscious, he takes out a thin wire He loops it around her throat and starts to strangle her She is shocked and terrified Gasping, choking, weak struggles She twitches, drools and dies The strangler fondles her breasts and her feet Aroused again, he masturbates in the angle of one of her spike heels Holding one of her legs up to open her, he fucks her again Taking off his pants again, he screws her corpse intensely He has a powerful climax, spurting on her pussy Views of her beautiful strangled body on the mattress Finally he picks her up and carries her sexy corpse away.
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Starring: Jennifer White, Brad Knight, Reno Time: 26:11 Minutes Size: 1.77 GB Rated XXX A gorgeous woman gets drunk, is further drugged unconscious, and is taken sexually and murdered by two men in a classic “mattress” scenario
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