Sexual Harassment 2: Part 2

Sexual Harassment 2: Part 2

Sadistic Real Estate Agent

Little Assassin

Starring: Alyce Anderson, Jacob Cox, Jack Vegas Time: 21:45 Minutes Size: 1.40 GB Rated R (female nudity, 2 male deaths) A female assassin takes out two men. 1 Girl, 2 Guys Petite young woman as assassin Topless woman with guns Bedroom dressing scene Black lingerie, leathers, black boots and gloves Female assassin straddles sleeping man from behind Strangles man with computer cord to unconsciousness Flips male victim over Switches to gloved manual strangle Finishes him with computer cord strangle Assassin removes her leather jacket Fondles dead man through his briefs Second man enters Struggle, second man overpowered Held between female assassin's thighs Second man strangled with computer cord Death struggle, man dies Neck snap of second victim Assassin departs Final scene of two male victims Male death stares, body views
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Staring: Alyce Anderson, Jacob Cox, Jack Vegas Time: 21:45 Minutes Size: 1.40 GB Rated R (female nudity, 2 male deaths) A female assassin takes out two men.
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