starring TARA HOLIDAY & ERIC MASTERSON Contains: Text Set-Up, Brief Dialogue, Home Invasion, Flip-Flops, CIA Operative Theme, Voyeur Views, Suspense Theme, Surprise, Brief Suspension Strangle, Death by Suspension Hand Strangle, Neck Bruising, Death Stare, Drool, Death Twitching, Bare Feet, Arm Carrying, Body Tossing, Fondling, Undressing, Nudity, Breast Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Vaginal Worship, Necrophilia Rape, Body Positioning, Body Handling, Body Posing, Body Falling, Body Pans This is a story about men who work for elite spy forces within the United States and conduct missions both here and abroad and the mental challenges and breakdowns that occur while they carry out their mission. The spy in this opening series is a man sent to retrieve a secret disk that was hidden there by an enemy operative. He had visited a friend of his, the female victim and secretly placed the disk in a kitchen drawer without her knowledge with the intent of returning to pick it up the next day but the spy was captured, tortured and the location of the disk revealed. A spy was dispatched to recover the disk without having to kill an innocent but with as many missions a spy accepts, there are bound to be mistakes or incidences where a spy must kill an innocent to avoid detection. There are times when that killing involves someone of the opposite sex in which the spy feels regret or sorrow that the person’s life was unexpectedly ended and a sexual remorse takes over where the spy feels he or she must have sexual interaction with the corpse. The meaning behind it has not been revealed or thoroughly examined but at some point there may be revelations that uncover the truth. This theme is based on the JACK series and will go beyond the mental concepts first examined.
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starring TARA HOLIDAY & ERIC MASTERSON This is a story about men who work for elite spy forces within the United States and conduct missions both here and abroad and the mental challenges and breakdowns that occur while they carry out their mission. The spy in this opening series is a man sent to retrieve a secret disk that was hidden there by an enemy operative. He had visited a friend of his, the female victim and secretly placed the disk in a kitchen drawer without her knowledge with the intent of returning to pick it up the next day but the spy was captured, tortured and the location of the disk revealed. A spy was dispatched to recover the disk without having to kill an innocent but with as many missions a spy accepts, there are bound to be mistakes or incidences where a spy must kill an innocent to avoid detection. There are times when that killing involves someone of the opposite sex in which the spy feels regret or sorrow that the person’s life was unexpectedly ended and a sexual remorse takes over where the spy feels he or she must have sexual interaction with the corpse. The meaning behind it has not been revealed or thoroughly examined but at some point there may be revelations that uncover the truth. This theme is based on the JACK series and will go beyond the mental concepts first examined.
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