Contains: Short Set-Up, Dialogue, Home Invasion, Voyeur Views, Stalking Views, Up skirt View, Suspense, Surprise, Death by Telephone Cord Strangulation, Kitchen Counter Strangulation, Death Stare, Death Twitching, Drool, Fondling, Undressing, Breast Views, Vaginal Views, Nudity, Necrophilia Rape, Body Pans, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Body Pose
A woman talking to her husband about a rape robbery fantasy she has becomes a victim of a serial killer when he uses a telephone cord to strangle her on the kitchen counter of her home. By the time he’s finished, he dragged her across the kitchen counter to the point where he unplugged the cord and reattached it. He then pleasures himself off her dead body before leaving her there for her husband to find later.
A woman talking to her husband about a rape robbery fantasy she has becomes a victim of a serial killer when he uses a telephone cord to strangle her on the kitchen counter of her home. By the time he’s finished, he dragged her across the kitchen counter to the point where he unplugged the cord and reattached it. He then pleasures himself off her dead body before leaving her there for her husband to find later.