School Girl Sex Strangler 2

What Little Girls Are Made Of

What Little Girls Are Made Of

Secretary Raped & Horizontally Hanged

Starring Nika Noire & Dante Bryce Nika plays a secretary at a police station. She returns home after work to her small studio apartment, removes her dress and admires herself in her sexy lingerie in the mirror. She walks into the bathroom, turns on the light and removes her bra and panties. As she opens the shower curtain to turn on the water, she is suddenly attacked by a man hiding in wait. He chloroforms her, knocking her unconscious then carries her over his shoulders out the bathroom Nika awakes tied up to her incline work bench, a rope placed around her neck she would later learn is a noose. The killer terrorizes her with a gun, asking what she knows about the school girl murders and if the police were on to him. She tells him what he wants to hear before the killer decides to enjoy her goods. He cocks her legs over his shoulders and rapes her, batter her pussy passionately before emptying his load inside her. With nothing left to use to save herself, she pleads with him as he grabs her feet and starts to pull on her. Pulling on her feet forces the noose to tighten, hanging Nika horizontally. Nika bucks, trying to lift herself so the rope weakens and the tightening stops. This works for awhile as Nika thrashes violently to save herself but soon the killer catches on and pulls on her feet harder, making her death certain. Nika goes down hard, her tongue hanging out her mouth. Nika’s fierce struggles are reduced to twitches as the killer releases her, satisfied he’s got her. He dresses and leaves her there. Moments later, yellow urine pours from her pussy and leaves a nice pool on the carpet below. The killing will get the attention of Captain Crackdown and he will know someone is on to his investigation but how many young girls must die before Captain Crackdown can stop him? Time: 14:42
Format: MP4 720X480
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Starring Nika Noire & Dante Bryce

Nika plays a secretary at a police station. She returns home after work to her small studio apartment, removes her dress and admires herself in her sexy lingerie in the mirror. She walks into the bathroom, turns on the light and removes her bra and panties. As she opens the shower curtain to turn on the water, she is suddenly attacked by a man hiding in wait. He chloroforms her, knocking her unconscious then carries her over his shoulders out the bathroom

Nika awakes tied up to her incline work bench, a rope placed around her neck she would later learn is a noose. The killer terrorizes her with a gun, asking what she knows about the school girl murders and if the police were on to him. She tells him what he wants to hear before the killer decides to enjoy her goods. He cocks her legs over his shoulders and rapes her, batter her pussy passionately before emptying his load inside her.

With nothing left to use to save herself, she pleads with him as he grabs her feet and starts to pull on her. Pulling on her feet forces the noose to tighten, hanging Nika horizontally. Nika bucks, trying to lift herself so the rope weakens and the tightening stops. This works for awhile as Nika thrashes violently to save herself but soon the killer catches on and pulls on her feet harder, making her death certain. Nika goes down hard, her tongue hanging out her mouth.

Nika’s fierce struggles are reduced to twitches as the killer releases her, satisfied he’s got her. He dresses and leaves her there. Moments later, yellow urine pours from her pussy and leaves a nice pool on the carpet below. The killing will get the attention of Captain Crackdown and he will know someone is on to his investigation but how many young girls must die before Captain Crackdown can stop him?

Time: 14:42
Format: MP4 720X480
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Manufacturer Psycho Thrillers
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