They Will Pay 1 : Part 1

They Will Pay 1 : Part 1

She Deserved It

Spy Games The Expendables

Starring: SHEENA SHAW, MAIA DAVIS & TJ CUMMING Contains: Set-Up, Dialogue, Double Girl Kill, Spy Theme, Young Victims, Bad Girls, Female Killing Female, Male Killing Female, Death by Computer Cable Strangulation, Second Female Death by Quick Neck Snap, Body Dragging, Death Stares, Ligature Mark, Drool, Safe House Death Scene, Fondling, Undressing, Partial Nudity, Breast Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Vaginal Worship, Lesbian Necrophilia Rape, Body Positioning, Body Handling, Body Pans, Body Posing, Bare Feet, Foot Views A spy assassin awaits at the rendezvous point for her handler to bring her a toxin created to destroy half a city’s population in less than 48 hours. This mission is highly classified; no one can live to put the mission at risk. The handler is strangled to death when she lets her guard down. Unfortunately for the assassin, her handler has similar instructions to eliminate all with knowledge of the project. How deep does this project go?
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Starring: SHEENA SHAW, MAIA DAVIS & TJ CUMMING A spy assassin awaits at the rendezvous point for her handler to bring her a toxin created to destroy half a city’s population in less than 48 hours. This mission is highly classified; no one can live to put the mission at risk. The handler is strangled to death when she lets her guard down. Unfortunately for the assassin, her handler has similar instructions to eliminate all with knowledge of the project. How deep does this project go?
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